Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Sir Fulke Greville, Baron Brooke 1620: Sonnet XC

The Manicheans did no idols make,
Without themselues, nor worship gods of wood;
Yet idolls did in their idea's take,
And figur'd Christ as on the crosse He stood.
      Thus did they when they earnestly did pray,
      Till clearer faith this idoll tooke away :

We seem more inwardly to know the Sonne,
And see our owne salvation in His blood ;
When this is said, we thinke the work is done,
And with the Father hold our portion good :
      'As if true life within these words were laid,
      'For him that in life neuer words obey'd.

If this be safe, it is a pleasant way,
The crosse of Christ is very easily borne :
But sixe dayes labour makes the sabbath day ;
The flesh is dead before grace can be borne.
      The heart must first beare witnesse with the booke ;
      The Earth must burne, ere we for Christ can looke.


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